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Thank you for opening this newsletter. I trust that these unprecedented times have not been causing you too much stress or worry.

Here at the Holistic Horse and Pony Centre we have been doing our best to stay positive and make use of the time to clear up and tidy up as well as poo-pick! Thank you to everyone for volunteering to help.

That being said, whilst we are getting a bit of support to pay the furloughed staff and a bit of extra help from the local council, we urgently need your support to help us actually feed the horses! Thankfully we are the right side of the winter but the grass has been slow to come through and we are still going through a lot of hay and feed. Plus, I have a few freelance staff that couldn’t be furloughed or didn't qualify for government hand-outs, so desperately need me to keep paying them otherwise they will have no money to feed their families, either.



I do appreciate we are all in the same storm (but not necessarily the same boat), and we are not just asking for donations. Lockdown will soon be over so what a great time to pre-purchase our lessons, hacks, Pony Days and Pony Camps, Wendy sessions, Sponsor a Golden Oldie, Team-building Days or Birthday Parties are all ways you can help.

Please check out our Crowdfunder page:

Thank you in advance.



Check out my interview about the healing power of horses with a wonderful and generous lady, Claire Turner. Claire does EFT which is a great way to get emotions shifting. I highly recommend her. Click on the link below to see the interview.

Interview with Claire Turner:


BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! Many of our horses celebrated their birthdays recently:

ABEL - 16 HONEY - 17 MIDNIGHT - 25 BILLY - 15 LLEWI - 18 WOODY - 26 ROSIE - 15 (almost!) LORDI - 12 TIJOR - 24 BEA - 23

Many Happy Returns to all!!



During these strange and unprecedented times we have been very blessed to have Laura Halfi, from France, helping out. She has been making some wonderful videos for us.

Check out this collaborative one edited by Riddhima. The Mud ROCK Clan. You need to have it on full volume!




Also during this time, I have been very busy writing and creating new online courses. “40 Days And 40 Ways To Transform A Problem“ This is nearly ready to go live.


I also have a new book coming out in the next couple of months called "I’mperfect as I am! – How to break out from the prison of perfectionism and be free to live your truth”. (not quite sure of the subtitle yet). Basically it’s about gaining the confidence to be yourself in relationships, work and life, warts and all.


I still have several copies available to buy of my first book “ The HEART of Stable relationships; 12 ways the Healing Power of Horses can transform your life”. Either pop in to the stables and pick up a copy for £10 or for £13.99 I can post to you.

Due to the current situation, many people have been forced to re-evaluate their lives, work and values. With that has come some startling realisations that change needs to happen. However, most of us are not keen on change so I will be running some courses with the horses as soon as we are allowed to help you navigate the changes you might need to make. The horses can really support you in finding your real truth in our unique HEART Equine-Assisted Therapy Coaching course. Remember, purchase a workshop space on the Crowdfunder page to get a bargain.



Another area we would love to expand in is showing businesses how the horses can help their workforce and leaders/management gel and work in a different way. So I am reaching out to my network to build my Equine-Assisted Executive Coaching and my “HEART At Work” Team Training Programme. We have some very special opportunities to trial a day with us at very reasonable prices.



Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us financially, physically and emotionally through this challenging time. The horses, staff and I are SO GRATEFUL. If there is anything we can do to support you too please let us know.

With much love, huge gratitude and sending big Cyber hugs and can't wait until we all meet again.

Wendy, John and all the Staff and Horses xx

07801 567850

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