Newsletters and updates
With such an incredible number of you wanting to keep in touch with all things HEART, Wendy is going to be sending regular newsletters and blogs with love.
What to expect: she's going to bring you up to date on HEART news, Herd updates, Course snippets and cover topics that are so top of mind for many the Blogs.
From time to time, Wendy will invite peers and/or students to share their views and experience on topics, course and workshop experiences.
Through sharing the HEART principles, the importance of self love Wendy aims to arm the readers with practical guides and self help tools to apply to their lives through her words.
Recognising the limitations of reaching everyone with her practice in person, and her determination to touch and change lives through transformative healing, Wendy has various books overs the years and she's most widely know for The HEART of Stable Relationships.
Currently in it's final edit is "I'mperfect as I am", which will launch in early March 2019. Wendy will be speaking about the book at The Best You Expo in February (see below).
The HEART of Stable Relationships
"This book will warm your heart, touch your Soul and transform your relationships. Simply wonderful!“ Elaine Wilkins founder The Chrysalis Effect ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia Recovery.
"Wendy shares how horses teach us how to be better, more balanced, loving beings" Kate Solisti Internationally Renown Interspecies Communicator "Profound yet practical teachings to establish stability and trust in all of your relationships" Kelly McKain best selling author.

With interest from so many local and international publications, Wendy has been asked to provide an insight into Equine Assisted Interventions for readers, listeners and viewers.
For interviews please don't hesitate to get in touch:
Email: wendy@theheartcentreuk.com
Call: 07801 567850
Guest Spots and Speaking dates
I am really excited to be speaking at The Best You Expo in the Empowering Women on both days of the Expo.
Come join me on Friday 15th at 11.30 for my 'Imperfect as I am' talk, which focuses on how to overcome the debilitating effects of feeling not good enough. I have a book signing afterwards at 16.00, so please come along.
I am also talking at 12.30 on Saturday 16th, on 'The Heart of Communication', the 5 step formula to connection co-operation and commitment. I have a book signing at 1.30.
I hope to be able to share an audio link after the event so do pop back if you can't make it.